We have now produced a Quirkology DVD containing high quality versions of ALL six of the videos from our YouTube channel. This DVD is used in training seminars and college lessons across the world, and the videos have been shown on television programmes in the UK, North America, Brazil and Japan. Here are some of the comments that we have received from people who have used the DVD....

As one the Advanced Interviewing Program Manager’s within the United States Justice Department, I am constantly on the look out for creative ways to teach valuable lessons. This year, I am incorporating the “Color Card Changing Trick” video in all my classes to teach the value of active listening with your eyes. My boss watched the video and missed all the changes… and so did I. It’s awesome!”
Janine Driver, Washington, DC

The Quirkology clips are a fantastic teaching tool. Thanks for making such wonderful videos – they always generate a lot of interest, initiate creative and insightful discussions, and provide a real contribution to the overall learning experience of our students
Randell Siow, Victoria School, Singapore

Our team loved the “color changing card trick” and enjoyed discovering how many changes they had missed because they were so focused on the cards changing, rather than the whole picture. It provides an excellent demonstration of how often we focus on a challenge and overlook the opportunities that are right before our eyes.
Hannah Ellis, Vice President of Marketing, Promark Financial, Santa Ana, CA

Wiseman has created the most convincing demonstration of change blindness that I have come across. This trick is far more than superbly entertaining -- it is a fascinating teaching tool that shows how unaware we are of what is right in front of us.
Dr Paola Bressan, Psychologist, University of Padua, Italy

"We are a non-profit organization involved in ministries throughout the United States. The Quirkology DVD is an invaluable tool to help our participants 'think outside the box'. It always provokes a great response and helps people appreciate the opportunities that might be lurking right in front of their eyes”
Kim Ward, Leadership Network, USA

If you are interested in purchasing the Quirkology DVD for commercial or educational use, please email us at: contact@quirkology.com




Quirkology book cover
Online Experiments
Analyze yourself